Saturday, January 22, 2011

Terrapin Hopsecutioner

This beer falls at the upper end of the IPA range in terms of hops and alcohol content.  The flavor is an explosion of hop flavors and aroma ranging from the classic citrus grapefruity flavors to the pine, and grass. Whatever you like about hops, you can probably taste it in this beer.  I think it finishes a little sweeter than some of the other hoppy beers I've had as well, which to me balances out the bitterness from the hops well. The best thing about this beer is that it's a Georgia local, and I don't get to say that too often. Delicious.
-Taster Be

1 comment:

  1. GREAT beer. you should also give the Rye Pale Ale from Terrapin a spin. I am a huge fan of the new kick on rye as a malt, and that one is a good example
