Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Hoegaarden Witbier

Color: Yellow, like lemonade with a touch of sweet tea in it.  Lots of carbonation for a white, merengue-like head. Wheat beers aren't usually filtered, and if you swirl your bottle to get all the yeasties as well, you shouldn't be able to see through this one.
Flavor: Lots of the people I know don't like beers made with wheat. I love them though, and this is one of my favorite styles- especially when drinking on a hot evening during summertime in the South. This beer has kind of a spicy, clove punch to it with a very smooth finish. There is practically no hop bitterness either. I'm not sure if it's due to the color, the coriander spicing, the wheat, or the yeast, but the flavor to me has something that always makes me think of bright, warm sunshine- completely refreshing and leaves you wanting more. I could drink a lot of this.  Delicious.
-Taster Be

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