Thursday, January 20, 2011

21st Amendment Brewery

I thought that this would be an appropriate beer for the first post by a female ;).  Northern California is blessed with a lot of great breweries.  This is a San Francisco brewery I was introduced to last year.  It's located between Kent's work and the Giant's baseball stadium and it always seems busy.  21st Amendment is a bit unusual because they bottle in cans.  The back of the can states "Craft beer in a can?  Why not? Cans keep beer fresher, they're better for the environment and they're easier to take with you."  I'm sold.

This brew - BREW FREE! OR DIE. IPA  - is pretty good.  It isn't necessarily the best IPA I've had (and I love IPAs - but this one's a little. . . sour?), but it's pretty good.  I'd get it again.

1 comment:

  1. Great review Becks!

    This is one of my favorite brewhouses, mostly because of their (very) non-traditional styles and close association with my beloved SF giants. I've had the Back in Black (black IPA) and thought it was good, and the Hell or High Watermelon (watermelon wheat) which is excellent. Still dying to try the Oyster Point Stout (brewed with real oyster shells), though i'm not sure you can get it.
