Sunday, February 13, 2011

Drake's Brewing Company, San Leandro, CA

All around very good beer.  I really liked this IPA from Drake's Brewery Company from the label design on the bottle to the description of the modest, industrial neighborhood brewery located in San Leandro.  This beer had a strong hoppy flavor with slight citrus undertones and a mild bitterness that had a great after taste.  They've been brewing for over 20 years and this is Drake’s flagship beer, an India Pale Ale. The brewer description notes: "Copper-colored from additions of light Crystal malt, and body-building Caramalt, carry the malt weight of this hop bomb. The hoppy aromas of pine and grapefruit are delivered from the abundant Columbus and Cascade hops." Very worth while and I hope that I can visit the brewery sometime soon until then I will open another bottle.

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