Monday, November 21, 2011

Finish The Drill- Fin du Monde (again)

I guess I should have saved this for my last post because of its name, but many of you probably thought that it was the end of my world anyway since I haven't written anything new since July. Lately, though, my desire to talk about (and write about) what I drink has increased immensely, so here we go. La fin du monde is a golden-colored belgian-style beer from Unibroue in Canada. It's been reviewed on this site before by another taster, but it's definitely worth another go 'round. I find this beer fascinating and highly recommend it to anyone willing to expand their beer horizons. It's different enough to blow your mind without seeming too extreme. Up front, the smell is spicy with a hint of fruit. Then it blasts you with a sweet fruitiness similar to peach along with a slight funk more common in saisons. It finishes nice and dry leaving you wanting more. The brewer made a mistake in naming the beer, though, as this beer clearly is the beginning of something new and exciting for this beer drinker. Delicious.
-Taster Be

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