Monday, November 21, 2011

Wild Heaven Invocation

So, the inspiration behind the last two posts has been my latest brew obsession- a Belgian Tripel. I plan on brewing one up with Kent and my friend Dave this week and have been furiously doing research (you call it drinking, I call it research) in order to try to pull off something delightfully flavorful and yet powerfully strong. In my search for some decent domestic tripels, I came across this offering from just down the road in Decatur, Georgia. Wild Heaven has not been in existence for very long and in fact aren't even brewing their own beer yet. If they keep their releases as amazing as this one, though, then I'm sure they'll be able to raise the capital for their own brew system as they continue to win over beer geeks everywhere. It appears much like other belgian tripels, but I have to say that I've never poured a beer that created as much head as this one. I'm not sure this ale is exactly to style because of the hop bitterness that is present and because it uses no adjuncts, which I assume also means no sugar. The label itself says that they use American hop varietals which are not the norm and provide a much different flavor. The fruitiness is still there from the yeast, but when it combines with the malt, hops, and carbonation, it creates this sensation for me that reminds me of biting into my first fresh-picked apple of the season right off the tree. The sugary, tart sensation also has a bit of bitterness that I'd almost describe as powdery because of the perception of dryness that I get from this beer. I absolutely love it and hope you do too. Delicious.
-Taster Be

Finish The Drill- Fin du Monde (again)

I guess I should have saved this for my last post because of its name, but many of you probably thought that it was the end of my world anyway since I haven't written anything new since July. Lately, though, my desire to talk about (and write about) what I drink has increased immensely, so here we go. La fin du monde is a golden-colored belgian-style beer from Unibroue in Canada. It's been reviewed on this site before by another taster, but it's definitely worth another go 'round. I find this beer fascinating and highly recommend it to anyone willing to expand their beer horizons. It's different enough to blow your mind without seeming too extreme. Up front, the smell is spicy with a hint of fruit. Then it blasts you with a sweet fruitiness similar to peach along with a slight funk more common in saisons. It finishes nice and dry leaving you wanting more. The brewer made a mistake in naming the beer, though, as this beer clearly is the beginning of something new and exciting for this beer drinker. Delicious.
-Taster Be