El Jefe is a good example of an American style wheat/weizen with a strong grassy/wheat taste, semi filtered straw-like color with a bubbly head. I enjoyed this beer on a hot day in central Washington after walking through apple, pear and cherry orchards with a belly full of Mexican tamales.
"El Jefe" Weizen Ale possesses a flavor profile that is "true Bavarian Style" -complex and mouth-filling, with the spicey and fruity influences that only genuine hefeweizen yeast can produce. This is a beer that combines old world quality and character with new world freshness--the best of both worlds. -Hale's
Kent, congratulations in advance for making it to 50 breweries (well 50 posts at least) all by mid-year. This was a fun idea and we should continue to do something similar in the coming years. I had a great time with you guys a couple weekends ago and was just reflecting with Nicole tonight how the Baer company was by far the highlight of the trip. Maybe we can repay your generosity next time you're down South. Man, I hope you actually read this comment!