Saturday, March 5, 2011

RJ Rockers Patriot Pale Ale

This is an American Pale Ale. It has the classic citrus hop flavor and aroma profile that one would expect as well as the grapefruit like bitterness. I enjoyed this APA quite a bit, but my one critique is that it seemed to have some grain in it that to me comes off as sweet. It also looks darker than a lot of APA's I've had, which probably comes from said specialty grain. I can't pinpoint the flavor, but I've also tasted it in other beers and to me it subtracts from the overall appeal of this beer. I'm sure it's delicious to someone else's palate, but to me, this was just okay. I'd drink it over a lot of other beers, but it's not quite top shelf for me.
-Taster Be

Highland Gaelic Ale

This comes from a brewery a bit north of me. I like some of the other offerings in their lineup and decided to give this one a whirl. The color is amber and flavor is mainly malt, with light floral hops.  I'd call it a pale ale, but definitely not like a west coast style pale ale. It's a nice subtle beer that doesn't try to be over the top with any malt or hop flavors.  A nice, balanced, real ale.
-Taster Be

Lakefront Brewery Fuel Cafe Coffee Stout

This was a nice coffee-infused stout brought to me thanks to my beautiful wife through a beer of the month club (indirect thanks to Tyler's post here). It's appearance was black as expected and the flavor was great- it had the classic roasted, chocolate, smoky flavors of a normal dry stout with a nice coffee flavor and aroma coming through as well. What I liked about this brew was that it finished nice and dry- not too sweet. I also sampled their IPA, and it was mind-blowingly delicious. I'm beginning to really like the Columbus hop. I recently learned a new word to describe its flavor that I found amusing: cannabinoid. Delicious.
-Taster Be